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Our setting follows the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum defined by the Government.  There are 7 areas of learning; Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication and Language (CL), Literacy (L), Mathematics (M), Physical Development (PD), Understanding the World (UW) and Expressive Arts and Design (EAD).  When planning activities for children all areas are taken into account.

In addition to our existing curriculum, we also offer a wide variety of enrichment sessions in line with the EYFS Learning Outcomes.  These include additional activities provided by outside professionals and regular out of setting visits within the local community.  Please click the link below for more information and be aware in order to support this resource, sessions provided by outside professionals are subject to a small additional charge. 


Assigned key workers are responsible for recording children's progress and their experiences during their time with us, via a personal on-line Learning Journal which records photos, videos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage.  Tapestry is the system we currently use, it is an interactive on-line system, hosted in the UK on secure servers.  Key workers input observations and associated media which is then checked by the manager before being published.


Once written permission has been granted, parents will be given secure access (via email address and password) to their child’s Learning Journal.  In addition to viewing our contributions, we encourage parents to add to it by uploading photos, or commenting on observations made by us.


We have used interactive online Learning Journals since Autumn 2015 and continually receive positive feedback from parents, saying "it is user friendly and inclusive", providing real-time progress and general information about their child's play, learning and daily routine.
Please click on the links below to access Tapestry User Guides:-
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